Why Film? | What Are the Benefits of Media Evangelism?
To hear a story is powerful. But to see it happen — and to hear Jesus speak in your language — is life-changing. That’s why Jesus Film Project chose video to introduce Jesus to the world.
Film Brings the Story to Life in a Way That No Other Medium of Storytelling Can.
The benefits of media evangelism are simple. When we see a story unfold on screen, it breaks barriers of communication and connects its views to the story in a way written and spoken word cannot.

Videos Have the Ability to Reach Millions in Just Minutes.
We’ve seen it happen — viral videos quickly circulate the globe, breaking geographic and cultural barriers as they do.
Our Films Are Designed to Do the Same.
We’ve seen it happen time and time again with the JESUS film. People in cities watch the film and hear the gospel for the first time. And when an outreach team invites villagers to watch the film, many surrender their lives to Jesus after watching.
Every video is carefully translated down to the syllable to mimic the people group’s accent. When shown in locations with little to no access to the gospel, our films touch lives as many hear Jesus speak their heart language––sometimes for the first time.
How Film is Advancing Our Mission 865
documented language groups in the world
or more speakers
million lives
These languages represent people still largely unengaged with the Gospel.
These languages represent people are still largely unengaged with the gospel.
The impact of seeing Jesus’ story in the first movie many have ever seen is powerful. In many of these 865 people groups, literacy is incredibly low—half of them don’t have a written language at all.
Using the benefits of media evangelism, these groups can listen to Jesus speak to them in their heart language, connecting them to His story in a way they can understand.

How You Can Use Our Films to Share the Gospel
We understand that taking Jesus to every nation is a huge undertaking. But using the benefits of media evangelism, we’ve already reached millions — and you can too. Here’s how:

We’ll work together to produce films that you can use to share Jesus with the people around you. We can assist you in whatever task you need: writing, shooting, editing, producing, or all of the above.
We identify new ways that we can share the gospel with strategic groups of people so that you have a video that meets them where they are on their spiritual journey. From mature followers to new believers, Jesus Film Project provides you with over 200 free films and counting.
We collect donations to fund the translations of the JESUS film to deliver the story of Jesus in every language.
We equip churches, christian outreach ministries and organizations with our FREE films, along with any other training materials or strategic resources they might need.
Ready to share the story of Jesus?
Browse our library of films to start building your community of followers.
Why should you consider giving to support Jesus Film Project?
In Matthew 28, Jesus gave us His Great Commission: to go and make disciples of all nations. Yet, today more than 2 billion people still haven’t heard the name of Jesus. How can they be reached?