Welcome to Jesus Film Project

We invite you to see how the JESUS film is being used in remarkable ways around the world.

The Most Viewed Film in History

More than 1 Million Views Per Day

The Most Translated and Dubbed Film

More than 2,100 Languages and Counting

New Followers of Christ Reported Last Year

29.7 Million

Intro Video

Hi friends,

Can I share with you about the best kept secret in Christian ministry?
Did you know that everyday, an average of one million people all over the world hear and see the Gospel through a 40 year old film called Jesus?
Dubbed into more than 2,000 languages as of 2022, the JESUS film is shown through partner ministries and through digital means in some of the hardest to reach places on earth.
The best news is, every year, those partners report that 40 million people ask Jesus to be their Lord after seeing the film, and 400 thousand churches get planted for community and discipleship.
The numbers are remarkable!  The Lord is working right now in a way that is unprecedented in the history of humanity.
In a time of great fear, Jesus brings life and peace.
Would you like to hear some first hand accounts of how the Lord is changing entire communities with the Gospel?  I invite you to click the links on this page to hear about the light shining in the darkness.

– Sean Bradford
Directors Development Board Member

Daasanach: Reaching Everyone

Transformed From Darkness

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