Discovering the Exciting, Faith-Filled Legacy of Evangelism

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Legacy is one of those ideas that can be a bit difficult to define. It becomes easier when we focus on the impact people have on our own lives. Our legacy is the mark we make, and it’s about so much more than leaving behind money or possessions (although that can play a huge part, too). It’s ultimately about the long-lasting outcome of the life we have led. 

For good or bad, each one of us will leave a legacy. The decisions we make and the examples we set will leave a footprint. The fruits of our lives will impact our family, friends, and community even after our memory fades. 

Think for a moment about your grandparents. Do you remember their names? What about your great-grandparents? What were their names? How far back can you go? Most people can only go a couple of generations back. Even in our own families, it only takes a few generations before people forget who we are, but the legacy we leave behind can endure for ages. 

This is why French theologian Hyacinthe Loyson included this thought in a sermon in 1866:

“These trees which he plants, and under whose shade he shall never sit, he loves them for themselves, and for the sake of his children and his children’s children, who are to sit beneath the shadow of their spreading boughs.”

This is what leaving a legacy is about. It’s about living in a principled and focused way so that we can improve the lives of people we may never know. And while we tend to focus on families when we think about legacy, the impact can be much broader. 

Leaving a legacy that matters 

When it comes down to it, leaving a legacy always involves faith. We make consistent decisions based on our values and principles and trust that the cumulative impact of those decisions will outlast us. 

As followers of Jesus, we seek to obey His commands. We’re dutiful because that’s precisely what it means to make Jesus our Lord. But over time, our obedience has a secondary impact. It inspires obedience in others and grows the kingdom. As we consistently obey, we establish a legacy we may never fully see or completely understand. 

Take the Great Commission as an example. Jesus asked His followers to make disciples of all nations. Taking that call seriously is part of what it means to follow Him. But what we’ll never see is the impact it has on the world around us. 

The invisible legacy of sharing our faith 

We’re called to share the gospel with others, but we can’t always see the outcome. The person we’re sharing with might not seem interested, but it can bear fruit over time, and you might not even realize it. They may go on to share their faith with hundreds of others, and those who respond positively might go on to share their faith with others, too. The multiplication from your obedience could be exponential. 

In addition, taking the call to share the gospel seriously has a significant impact on the kingdom. You’re mentoring believers around you by example, making them more likely to share their faith as well. Praying for the unreached is part of a legacy you can’t see, and when we help support organizations that serve and share, we are taking part in their legacy too. 

When we take Jesus’ words seriously, we leave a legacy of faith. And someday, the veil will be pulled back, and we will see the unbelievable ways that our actions have impacted the lives of others! 

Jesus Film Project® takes legacy seriously

We’re focused on the Great Commission because Jesus instructed His followers to go. Every day, we see the impact people have on the world just by heeding His call. We encourage you to join us in ensuring everyone everywhere has an opportunity to hear Jesus’ story. 

Visit our prayer page to partner with us in praying for the world’s unreached and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. You can also visit our giving page to discover ways you can support this ministry. 

Let’s leave a life-changing legacy together!