How many world languages can you recognize?
We think everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to hear the story of Jesus in their own language. And that’s why we’ve translated the JESUS film into 2,000 languages. Take this short quiz to see how many you can recognize, and then share your results with friends.
There are only 15 questions, but you might be surprised how few languages you recognize!
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We’ve translated and recorded the JESUS film into 2,000 languages, but we’re not done yet. Stay up to date with new videos, resources and stories from around the world as we continue our translation work. Sign up for our weekly newsletter, JFP News.
About Jesus Film Project
When people hear the gospel in the language they learned at home—the one they dream in—they’re forever changed. Jesus Film Project exists to glorify God by providing people of every nation the opportunity to learn about Jesus through film in their own heart language.