Jesus speaks

The JESUS film is now available in 2,000 languages. Millions have watched and their hearts have realized, “Jesus speaks my language!”

Kamal’s Story

When he told us his story, Kamal lived in a country where it’s extremely dangerous to share the story of Jesus. At the time, he was a devout religious leader in his community, so he couldn’t watch movies or let those he led watch them.

One day, Kamal’s life collided with that of a member of a ministry team sent out with film equipment to show JESUS in his region. Including Kamal, approximately 60,000 people watched the film. Teams estimate at least 13,000 people indicated a decision to follow Jesus. Out of these new believers, 900 underground churches were formed.

God is at work! Against all odds Kamal encountered Jesus, heard His words in his heart language and believed in Him.

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Gospel Access for Everyone

Approximately 50 film teams were able to receive equipment and training and then venture into Kamal’s region because of people like you. Today more than ever, we want to help everyone, everywhere have access to the gospel in a way they can understand, no matter where they are or what language they speak. 

When you give, you can become part of that exciting mission.