3 Ways You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission 

4 college kids speaking in a group

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Jesus’ Great Commission has had a profound impact on history. 

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:16-20, New International Version).

Because of obedience to Jesus’ words, more than 2 billion people worldwide have chosen to follow Jesus. We rejoice at the many people who have come to know the love and forgiveness of Christ. And at the same time, we recognize that the work isn’t finished, so we press on in fulfilling Jesus’ instructions. In this post, we’ll examine how we can each do that in our personal lives. 

Taking responsibility for the Great Commission

Christians sometimes ask, “Who exactly is the Great Commission for? Was it for the disciples? Is it my pastor’s responsibility?” As long as there are people who haven’t heard the gospel, the Great Commission is a responsibility for all of Jesus’ followers. 

One of the most important things we can do to help fulfill the Great Commission is to see it as a task for which we’re personally responsible. And when we see it as something we should individually take part in, we prioritize it differently. 

1. Pray about the Great Commission 

When it comes to fulfilling the Great Commission, prayer is the first place to start. This should be a topic that we spend time talking to God about. Here are some specific ways you can pray:

  • Pray for a passion for the Great Commission
  • Pray for opportunities to share your faith with others
  • Pray about specific ways God might want you to work out the Great Commission in your life
  • Pray about how to use your personal resources to help fulfill the Great Commission
  • Pray for churches and organizations who are working to carry out the Great Commission
  • Pray for areas of the world  that still need to hear the gospel

2. Champion missions whenever possible

Ideally, everyone could go on a mission trip—even a short-term one. Going to a new place, serving people in another culture, and sharing Jesus with them can really help awaken a fervor for global evangelism. 

But even if you can’t “go,” you can support missions in many ways. You can financially help sponsor other people to go, or you can give to mission organizations. And even if you don’t have the finances to help, you can still participate in fundraisers to raise money for scholarships, equipment and support. 

3. Support organizations committed to the Great Commission

When it comes to fulfilling the Great Commission, short-term missions are only one piece of the puzzle. Many organizations work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that global evangelists can accomplish their goals. At Jesus Film Project, we are continuously in awe of our incredible partners who are helping to fuel Great Commission work around the world—partners like the Mission Aviation Fellowship, which has helped missionaries reach the most remote areas worldwide for over 75 years. 

Every great missionary organization is supported by others who provide tools, resources, technology and other services to make it possible. These organizations often rely on prayer and financial support, too. At Jesus Film Project, we are humbled by the faithful partnership and support of people like you. You’re helping to fulfill the Great Commission!

Join us in helping to fulfill the Great Commission 

Jesus Film Project® and our partners are working hard at creating and translating Jesus-centered films and digita tools for sharing the gospel worldwide. We’re so grateful for all of you who walk alongside us in prayer that God will continue opening doors for new partnerships and ministry opportunities. 

There are numerous ways you can pray with us, become a partner and support us as we ensure that everyone, everywhere has an opportunity to hear about Jesus!