The Viewer’s Guide to Jesus Film Project 

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Jesus Film Project offers a vast, ever-growing media library, with powerful films that speak to different topics and ideas. Maybe you have a small group tackling a specific topic or are looking to share something timely with someone close to you. We’ve put together this guide to help you better navigate this amazing resource. 

This guide doesn’t cover every video in our media library, but it touches on some high-level topics you may want to cover. Think of this as a tool for familiarizing yourself with many of the feature-length movies, short films and series we have available—all of which are free to watch and share with others. 

Films to get better acquainted with the Bible 

The following films aren’t just about the Bible. They’re dramatizations of various books of the Bible. They’re perfect for reacquainting yourself with Scripture or introducing others to the gospel story.     


This dramatic retelling of Luke’s gospel premiered in 1979. Since then, it’s become the most viewed and translated film in history. The production team took great pains to ensure it was as faithful as possible to the New Testament Gospels. In fact, it took film crews three days to reshoot a portion of the film because the original shorts contained eucalyptus trees, which did not exist in Jesus’ time. 

To date, the 1979 JESUS film is available in over 2,000 languages. Translation teams are hard at work to add more translations of the film to the media library every year. 

The Life of Jesus

This three-hour film was produced in 2003 and is a dramatized retelling of John’s gospel. The film is available in 24 languages, and it is broken into 49 smaller segments to allow for easily navigating the various chapters. 

The Book of Acts

This faithful rendering of Acts has a 192-minute run time. It tells the story of the church’s origin and growth. This film is broken into 73 smaller clips for easy navigation and is available in nine languages. 

Films for introducing others to Jesus 

In addition to the JESUS film (which has led many millions of people to follow Jesus), we have several resources that can help introduce various audiences to the gospel. Here are some excellent examples. Many Jesus Film Project films can be used this way. So check out our watch page for other examples.  

Magdalena: Released From Shame

Magdalena tells the story of Jesus through the eyes of Mary Magdalene. This is a powerful resource for helping express the tenderness Jesus showed toward women and their incredible value to the kingdom of God

The Story of Jesus for Children

This 91-minute film takes scenes from the JESUS film and reframes them through the lens of children who might have lived during that time. This family-friendly film is ideal for introducing the topic of the gospel to children. 

My Last Day

This animated short film tells the story of Jesus’ crucifixion through the eyes of one of the thieves who were executed alongside Him. This anime-style film is a powerful and thought-provoking look at what Jesus accomplished on the cross. 

Retelling the Good Story

This short video series was produced in close partnership with the First Nations Version of the New Testament to tell Jesus’ story to First Nations people. Retelling the Good Story recounts the biblical stories of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and walking on water in a way that is contextualized for Native American viewers.

Apart from their stated goal of communicating with and reaching out to native people, this  award-winning video series stands alone as a moving retelling of gospel stories. The animation is breathtaking, and the content is fresh and engaging. 

Episodes include:

Series to help others understand Jesus 

Whether you’re leading a Bible study or starting a community group, the following series are great for facilitating small group discussions. 

Following Jesus 

This five-episode series averages about 20 minutes an episode. The goal of this series is to help new believers find their footing in their new faith and become fruitful followers of Jesus.

Episodes include:

Walking with Jesus 

Similar to Following Jesus, this series helps new believers prioritize their new faith, developing the disciplines and convictions necessary to grow and serve. Although this series is set in Africa, the principles and lessons within the series apply to believers everywhere. This series can also operate as an extension of Following Jesus (India) as it covers other vital topics and principles. 

Episodes include:

Reflections of Hope

Perfect for any women’s Bible study, the eight episodes in Reflections of Hope help attendees get to know Jesus better. Each episode focuses on an attribute of Jesus in order to help women understand Jesus’ love and care for them. 

Episodes include:

Days with Jesus

Developed with Mentorlink International, Days with Jesus helps believers deepen their walk with Jesus. The series utilizes clips from the JESUS film alongside thought-provoking questions designed to challenge and transform a person’s heart, character, values and mindsets. The series is broken into six subjects, each with its own set of short episodes. 

The six segments include:

Films and series that tackle tough questions 

Introducing people to Jesus sometimes requires more than just telling them the gospel story. Sometimes, it means overcoming their questions, opinions and concerns. These selections can help provide answers for people struggling with questions and doubts. 

Do You Ever Wonder…?

This beautifully animated series of short films addresses tough questions that can be barriers to the gospel for some people. The series includes the following videos addressing multiple questions: 

  • God’s Rescue Plan
    This video discusses why the world feels so broken and how Jesus is God’s plan for restoring it. 
  • Restored
    The Bible depicts humans as rebellious. This film explores how we can be restored with honor and welcomed back into a relationship with the Creator.
  • Can the Bible Be Trusted?
    Have you ever wondered why followers of Jesus believe the Bible is the same today as when it was originally written? This film examines the archaeological evidence validating the Scriptures.
  • Can We Know God?
    This short film explores how God can simultaneously be the majestic Creator of the universe and want to have a personal relationship with everyone on earth.

NUA: Fresh Perspective

The word “NUA” comes from an Irish adjective that means “new.” NUA is a series of videos out of Ireland that takes an honest look at people’s questions about Jesus, the Bible and what it means to be a Christian. 

These videos are perfect for answering questions you or someone you know might have about the gospel. They include questions like:

Short films covering various topics 

We have a library of short films from all over the world. Short films have several unique benefits and can be used effectively for outreach and stimulating discussion. For a complete list of our short films, visit our website

Many of our short films can be used in multiple ways. A film like Çoğu Çay (Mostly Tea) could be used to discuss kindness and service, but it could also be used to wrestle with the polluting nature of sin. Keep that in mind as you peruse this list of potential topics. Most of these films can cover several topics!

Short films about God’s great love  

Here are some films that share some aspects of God’s love for us and His willingness to sacrifice Himself to save us. 

Altro Mare

This powerful little film demonstrates the incredible love of a father who is willing to step between his child and tragedy. 


A chef makes a time-consuming and beautiful dessert for a very important guest. 


Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a woman who loses a coin and tears apart her home to find it. When she finds it, she calls everyone to let them know that what was lost has been found. This parable expresses God’s great love for everyone, and it’s reimagined in this incredible short film.  

Short films about loneliness and isolation 

All of us struggle at times with feeling disconnected and alone. These films tackle this topic in thoughtful ways. 


What does it feel like to be alone? This film centers on loneliness and the challenge of making new connections in a brand-new environment. 


Sometimes isolation can be an incredible tool for creativity and discovery, as this film demonstrates. 

Short films about beauty and value 

We live in a world that demands we adhere to specific standards in order to be valued and loved. These films deal with the beauty standards that plague young men and women everywhere. 

Doll Face

This short film tackles the damaging effects of chasing the standards we see around us. It clocks in under five minutes and is an excellent supplement to a small group or teen discussion. 


Beauty standards are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to chasing the things we believe will make us valuable and appreciated. This struggle is thoughtfully expressed in this short film about a girl and her new doll. 

Short films about transformation

At its core, the Christian life is about change and growth. Jesus came to make all things new, including us. Here are some films that discuss the topic of transformation. 

Yol (The Path)

A young man stumbles upon an opportunity to experience something new and potentially life-changing. Will he take it? This is the question that Yol (The Path) wants its viewers to ask themselves. 


Even when changes are positive, they can feel scary. That’s why many people may find themselves stuck in ruts or in harmful comfort zones. In Puzzler, a man struggles with the decision to change everything or to remain as he is. 

La Liberté

What does it mean to be free? How do we truly become free? That’s what we have to wrestle with in La Liberté, a film about a man trapped in a small, windowless cell who is given a unique opportunity to break free. 

Short films that share the gospel

Sometimes you want to share your faith and need something concise and straightforward to help you. These films do an amazing job of hitting the right notes and communicating how Jesus changes everything. 

Where You Belong

The key to good evangelism is being able to communicate the good news in a way that resonates with someone’s interests. Appealing to viewers who may be interested in athletics, Where You Belong uses football (soccer) as an analogy for God’s love and tender care for us. 

Who Is the Messiah?

This beautiful short film uses Old Testament prophecies to demonstrate that Jesus is God’s chosen instrument to save us all. It pairs well with conversations about how the entire Bible and the history of God’s relationship with people points to the gospel.


In under five minutes, this fantastic video walks you through creation, the fall, Jesus’ coming, His death and resurrection, and our transformation. It’s visually stunning and incredibly thought-provoking, creating an easy transition into spiritual conversation. 

Infinite Abyss

Without Jesus, we all end up going through the motions, and all things we thought would bring us meaning and joy fail us. Infinite Abyss examines our search for meaning in the face of nihilism. 

Short films about life not going well 

One profound way to get people talking about the gospel is to help paint a picture of why the gospel is so important. These films help communicate why humanity needs a Savior.

B Me

Many of us have experienced imposter syndrome and struggle to put on masks so that we can fit in with others and meet cultural expectations. This film tackles this topic, highlighting the risk of losing ourselves in trying to be everything for everyone else. 

Happiness is $1.25

Occasionally, we find something we think will make us happy, and our desire for it consumes us. We tell ourselves that as soon as we acquire it, we can finally relax and enjoy ourselves. And we stop at nothing until it’s ours. And when we get it, we’re happy for a moment—until something else catches our attention. 

Uninvited Guests

We all have regrets, and sometimes we can review our mistakes from the past. Sometimes we’re not able to get over making them. In a humorous and pointed way, Uninvited Guests explores how we can carry this baggage everywhere we go.

Ctrl Z 

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a do-over whenever you make a mistake, or when things don’t go your way? That’s the question raised by Ctrl Z. Would this ability be a blessing or a curse?

Short films about relationships 

We have many different kinds of relationships: families, friends, spouses and acquaintances. And we learn important lessons about ourselves and others from these relationships. These films examine relationships and the things we learn from them. 

Picket Fence

It’s easy to settle into relationships where we talk about the flaws of others while hiding who we really are from one another. Picket Fence juxtaposes the difficulty of being transparent with one another and our tendency to judge others. 


We’ve all been in situations where we’re introduced to a new community, and we’re afraid we don’t fit in. Medley reminds us that we shouldn’t strive to change who we are to be accepted. Sometimes it’s precisely what we have to offer is what others desperately need. 


In a thoughtful story reminiscent of Jesus’ parable about the prodigal son, Brothers looks at a two brothers dealing with reconciliation issues at their father’s funeral. Since the film doesn’t tie together all loose ends, it leaves much room for reflection and discussion. 


The film Venia wrestles with how we respond to injury at the hands of the people we love. This film tackles the topic of forgiveness in a powerful and evocative way.

The Rent Check

While the relationships between a young man and his parents lie at the heart of The Rent Check, this short film is about so much more than that. It’s a look at the unhealthy hoops we jump through to get our way and finagle what we want out of life. 

Love can make people respond to situations in unique ways. In Rain, a heartbroken, runaway teen attempts to connect with her parents, which leads to an interesting exchange and a surprising turn of events. 

Check out the Jesus Film Project mobile app 

You can watch and share these films (and many more) through the free Jesus Film Project mobile app. It’s available in the Apple Store and on Google Play. This app allows viewers to access and share these films in all their available languages, making it a powerful tool for inspiration and evangelism.