God is Using the “JESUS” Film to Transform Lives!
Every day, around the world, men, women and children are coming to the Lord after viewing the film “JESUS”.
Since its release in 1979, the “JESUS“ film has been translated into more than 2,220 languages and has been viewed more than 11.1 billion times. This has led to more than 665 million decisions to follow Christ and 400 new churches being planted every day! Praise the Lord!
Be blessed as you read, see and hear how men, women and children across the world are receiving and understanding the good news in great numbers. The Holy Spirit touches them as they experience “JESUS”.

Demonic Opposition to Jesus
In South Central Africa, a witch became very angry about the “JESUS” film being shown in the village. She did everything she could to disrupt the showing.
A “JESUS” film team leader explains what happened next…

When a Rebel Leader Commanded, “Stop the Film!”
The team went into a dangerous area where many radical groups had gathered. They tried to share the good news but no one would talk to them.
After three days of trying and no one showing up, the team came up with a great plan…

Witness the Powerful Moving of God’s Spirit…
Watch as the Gamo people see “JESUS” for the first time.
“I thought, you know God is really speaking to them. They’re not watching a movie, they’re having an experience with Jesus Christ.”

A Mighty Transformation – the Result of Partnership!
Binora was the son of a powerful witch doctor. God placed a burning vision on his heart that his people might be liberated from spiritual darkness.
Watch the video to see what our God did.

When Heaven Came Down
Mozambique was a nation in absolute chaos. Civil war had degenerated into total anarchy. Over 500,000 refugees had fled the war. Some came to a camp just inside South Africa.
Listen to what happened when “JESUS” film workers arrived.

From Terrorist Commander to Evangelist
A woman in Africa was poised to become a suicide bomber, to blow herself up in a local market. Before she could do the deed, she had a profound dream…
Jesus Film®