Stewardship Resources
The Scriptures speak of being good stewards of our time, talent and treasure. This collection of videos will encourage and inspire you to grow in your wisdom and understanding and build your faith.

Surrendering Everything: Dr. Bill Bright
Dr. Bright and his wife Vonette, were passionate about being good stewards and developed resources to help equip believers. One of those resources is a booklet entitled, “How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving.” In the booklet he challenges conventional wisdom and provides proof that sacrificial giving can become a thrilling and rewarding adventure in the life of every Christian. He encourages Christians to prayerfully evaluate the ultimate destinations of their material gifts. Dr. Bright exhorts believers to invest their time, talents and treasures to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation. Click here to view the booklet online. Read, grow and forward to your friends.
Featured Partners
Caroline Hunt
Bunker and Caroline Hunt funded the first “JESUS” film translation. Caroline shares their story.
Randy Alcorn
Randy Alcorn talks about the Treasure Principle.
Russ Crosson: Ronald Blue & Co.
Russ speaks on “Wisdom for Wealth. For Life.”
Alan Barnhart: Generous Giving
Generous Giving launched when five friends were challenged by the question of what could happen if Christians were truly generous with their resources.
Featured Videos
Veracity Project: “In Time”*
Veracity Project: “The Money Rant”*
*Graciously provided by The Veracity Project. The Veracity Project produces creative video to move the church.